Total Fresh Exporters Ltd is a fresh produce export company registered in Kenya under the registrar of companies act 2010. Since it’s establishment in 2014, Total Fresh Produce Exporters has exponentially grown to be one of the biggest exporters in Kenya.

We have a number of contracted farmers and out-growers of whom we have negotiated working terms and have recruited and supplied them with seeds.

Our aim is to establish a long lasting relationship with our trading partners. we envision to being the best in quality produce through traceability, food safety assurance and year round stable supply is our competence and mission.

Total Fresh has a competent team that presents you a product, in retail or loose pack, grown in own farms that have been accredited to Global gap (EurepGap) The farms have a production capacity that will cater for contract farming to meet agreed quantity and quality products in excess of 80 tons per week.